2 Week Workout Day 3

My workout today was essentially the same as the one I did on Monday (Strength Plan A and Speed Ladder). I think It went more smoothly today though.

The exercises:

  • Hip Drop- X 10 each side
  • Beach Ball Hug- X 6 each leg
  • Full-Body Roll-Up- X 12
  • Breast Stroke- X 10
  • Read the Paper- X 12 each side

I like most of these exercises a lot, but I am still having trouble with the beach ball hug one. I just don’t feel like I am getting it completely right. I have the basic gist of the exercise, but I would like to do it correctly. I am trying to get the most out of this workout and still follow the instructions on the website so whenever I am given a recommended amount of reps to do, I always aim for the higher reps (like if it said 8-10 reps, I would do 10 if possible). I have noticed this about myself in other workouts too. I just feel like I need to put forth as much effort as I can in order to feel successful. It usually works pretty well.

I also did the Speed Ladder cardio workout. I don’t mind it, but I would like to run a bit. Just walking all week makes me feel a little lazy, even if it is for a half an hour each time. I really like walking, but running makes me feel accomplished. I might add some running in next time or maybe just bump the incline up.

Tonight I was so excited because I bought some grapes and some Mini Babybel Light cheese and I thought to myself “This is gonna be so great for a snack tonight!”, but I ate a grape and it was not a very good grape so I ate another grape and another and none of them tasted very good. It was so sad. They didn’t look bad and they weren’t awful, but I was really looking forward to some nice, crisp grapes. However, I still enjoyed the cheese and I made some nice blueberry tea to drink so it ended up being a fairly pleasant snack after all.

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