2 Week Workout Day 7

My workout for today was Strength Workout B and Power Walk. I did Strength Workout B with no problem other than the fact that someone took one of the 5 lb dumbbells out of the exercise room and never returned it so we only have one now and I had to compensate by using two 3 lb weights in one hand and the 5 lb weight in the other (I am severely annoyed by this).

When it came time for me to do the Power Walk, both of the treadmills were in use so I had to use an elliptical. I really don’t like ellipticals. They just do not feel natural. I put up with it and made the most of it anyway. I don’t know how fast I was going on the thing, but I was pretty sweaty when I got off so I imagine it was a lot faster than 4 mph.

Today I did something extremely difficult. The cafeteria had tons of strawberries (so SO many strawberries) because we get a bunch after the Strawberry Festival and today they had hot fudge to dip it in. I passed it up and just got strawberries. I have NO idea how I was able to do this. It was pretty awful. I think something inside me died…or at least screamed. I love chocolate and hot fudge is like the best thing ever, but I told myself that I would feel a lot better if I didn’t eat it and I am completely amazed that I actually didn’t give in to the molten deliciousness. So HA! Take that unhealthy food! I win………this time.

They were still delicious…

Exciting news:

I registered for my first 5k today! I am so excited! Even better-my sister is doing it with me! We are doing the Glow Run on May 11th. It is going to be my sister’s first time as well. I had been thinking the other day about how I wanted to sign up for a 5k over the summer so I started looking around on the internet to find one that would be close to where I live. I have been wanting to do the Color Run really badly and there is one in my town this summer, but it is in September and I will most likely be gone for school again. Then I found the Glow Run, which sounds like it will be about as much fun or maybe even more fun than the Color Run! My sister and I are both super pumped and have already started planning for it!