2 Week Workout Day 2

I was so busy today. Oh man, it was a long day! I have a big paper due tomorrow along with my Psych exam. I was having a bit of trouble with my paper and spent most of the day (when I was not in class) working on it. I got it done though! Super happy about that. I made myself write all the way up to a concluding point before I rewarded myself with my workout today-although, by that point I really just wanted a nap, but I went and worked out anyway like a good girl 🙂

Day 2 of the new workout I am trying included Strength Plan B and the Power Walk cardio workout.

Strength Plan B:

  • Plie with biceps curl- X 12
  • Forward Lunge and Raise the Roof- X 12
  • Squat with Straight-Arm Pressback- X 12
  • Tip it Over- X 12
  • Curtsy Lat Raise- X 12

Power Walk:

Warm up 5 minutes at 3 mph, 20 minutes at 4 mph, cool down 5 minutes at 3 mph

What I thought:

The thing I have noticed so far about this workout plan is that it may not be very high intensity, or even that hard, but I can still really feel it. I like a lot of these exercises and I think that when the 2 weeks are over I am going to add some of these exercises to my list of exercises that I do normally. I do not know exactly how I feel about the slow-motion idea. II guess I think it is good in some ways, but I do not think I would want to do every exercise like that. I do realize it is better to do an exercise slower than super fast most of the time though. I don’t know, I guess I am just worried my form is not as good or as easy to maintain when I am trying to hold it for 4 counts. Maybe I will improve on this over the next few days though.The cardio also is not very intense, but it is still getting in 30 minutes of cardio a day and that is pretty nice. I am interested to see what effect this workout will have on my body over the course of the next week or so.

Here is the link for the website again: http://www.prevention.com/print/26102 (yes, I know I posted it yesterday, but it is more convenient not to have to go back to the previous post)

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